Aí eu pensei: por que as pessoas famosas, ricas e bonitas (é, porque a maioria das pessoas famosas e ricas não podem ser feias, só jogadores de futebol) parecem tão tristes? Por que algumas delas se matam aos pouquinhos? Por que os astros do rock parecem sempre estar com o pé na cova (sem contar a cara de bunda e as palavras somente balbuciadas, tipo debiloides)?
O que passa naquele mundo que não é o nosso pra eles passarem uma mensagem tão diferente do que seria o natural (natural = sou famoso, sou rico, sou bonito... o que mais posso querer?)? Ah, tá. Pode ser que os amigos não sejam tão verdadeiros, as imagens não passam de um photoshop em carne e osso, a fama pode ser passageira e eles sabem que em pouco tempo outro tomará seu lugar, ou que simplesmente depois que eles “chegam lá”, vista de perto a fama não é tão grande coisa assim. Sei lá. São só cogitações bestas. Eu, por mim, não professo aquela teoria de que pobre é que é feliz e que rico é infeliz. Não! Nada a ver. Pessoas são felizes e infelizes por motivos diferentes, em momentos diferentes, mas realmente não entendo porque Curt Cobain, Amy Winehouse, Michael Jackson, Heath Ledger, dentre vários outros que faziam o que gostavam e eram reconhecidos, admirados e muito bem pagos por isso se acabam assim.
Eu aqui na minha vidinha besta, dormindo, acordando, trabalhando, correndo, nadando, indo, vindo, comendo, bebendo, pagando conta, encarando fila, tenho minhas perrengas eventuais, às vezes sou tentada a parar de acreditar, mas tento seguir firme e forte, bebendo, caindo e levantando. Às vezes sozinha, às vezes com amigos ou família, às vezes mais rápido, às vezes não, às vezes lá no fundo, mas batendo, quicando e subindo... sempre. Olha que bênção!
English version:
What happens in that world, which is no ours, for them to send such a different message from what should be the natural one (natural message = I am rich, famous, good-looking... what else can I desire?)? Oh, yeah. It may be because some friends may not be that true, the figures are nothing but flesh and bone Photoshop, fame might be fast and they know that in a little while someone else will take their place, or maybe because when they finally “make it”, from a short distance, fame is not that big of a deal. I don’t know. They are just stupid wonders. I, for myself, don’t preach that poor people are happy and rich people aren’t. No! Nothing to do with it. People are happy and unhappy for different reasons, at different moments, but I really don’t get why Curt Cobain, Amy Winehouse, Michael Jackson, Heath Ledger, among many others who did what they liked, were admired and very well paid for that end up like that.
English version:
I still get surprised with my curiosity about things, about life. Sometimes I think I am too limited or just too stubborn to understand some things that are so absurd that seem not to be understood. Confusing, han? But life is confusing. Don’t worry.
So I thought: why do famous, rich and good-looking people seem so unhappy (yes, because most rich and famous people cannot be ugly, only soccer players)? Why do some of them kill themselves little by little? Why do rock stars always seem to be about to die (not considering the shitty face and the mumbling of words, like retarded people)?What happens in that world, which is no ours, for them to send such a different message from what should be the natural one (natural message = I am rich, famous, good-looking... what else can I desire?)? Oh, yeah. It may be because some friends may not be that true, the figures are nothing but flesh and bone Photoshop, fame might be fast and they know that in a little while someone else will take their place, or maybe because when they finally “make it”, from a short distance, fame is not that big of a deal. I don’t know. They are just stupid wonders. I, for myself, don’t preach that poor people are happy and rich people aren’t. No! Nothing to do with it. People are happy and unhappy for different reasons, at different moments, but I really don’t get why Curt Cobain, Amy Winehouse, Michael Jackson, Heath Ledger, among many others who did what they liked, were admired and very well paid for that end up like that.
Me, in my simple humble life, sleeping, getting up, working, running, swimming, going, coming, eating, drinking, paying my bills, getting in line, facing my eventual “situations”, I sometimes am tempted to stop believing, but I try to keep on straight and strong, getting wasted, falling down, and getting up. Sometimes alone, sometimes with friends and family, sometimes faster, sometimes not so fast, sometimes deep down, but hitting the bottom, bouncing back and going up… always. What a blessing!
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