Conclusão: talvez tenhamos, sim, que ter nossas ressalvas quanto ao governo iraniano por suas políticas de armamento nuclear, mas jamais do povo iraniano, que levam sua vida normal e um tanto feliz, como nós, apesar das limitações do Islã. Limitações essas complicadas de julgar com olhos de ocidente, pois ter que usar véu, não poder beber álcool e ter uma “religião” definida pelo estado talvez seja menos pior do que ter índices alarmantes e crescentes de homicídios diários, mortes por acidentes de trânsito provocados por motoristas embriagados, padrasto matando enteada de três anos a pancadas depois de abusá-la, violência no esporte (futebol, basicamente), ministro atrás de ministro caindo ou dando explicações bizarras em rede nacional. Ou seja, cada qual com suas lamúrias, afinal de contas ainda não encontramos o sistema social perfeito, mas acredito que tanto eles quanto nós devemos tentar até o fim...
English version:
After saying what we kind of already knew, I must say that what positively surprised me: people were very kind to me, always wanting to please me, present me their culture, their food, their country. Always protecting and accompanying me, making me feel safe and happy. Men are kind with their children, more than Brazilians. And kind with each other. Family members are close, affectionate and lovely.
Concluding: maybe we may have some “issues” towards the Iranian government due to their nuclear weapon politics, but never against the Iranian people, who live their lives normally and as happy as it may be, just like us, besides Islam’s limitations. Limitations difficult to judge with western eyes, because having to wear a veil, not being allowed to drink alcohol or having a religion established by the government may be “less worse” than having alarming and growing indexes of daily murders, car accident deaths due to drunk drivers, stepfathers killing stepchildren with great violence after sex abuse, sport violence (soccer, basically), constant and recurrent political corruption. That means, each culture has its own troubles and traumas once we haven’t found the perfect system yet, but I believe that all of us must try till the end of times…
English version:
Talking about sex... that old story about sex only after marriage is the same for them. And as our western tradition, they do it as we do it. The single ones pretend they don’t do it, the parents pretend they don’t know it. And men can really have four wives, but they only marry the second one with the permission of the first one. Now I wonder: who is the crazy guy that chooses, in good mental health, to take FOUR women home to talk about hair, make up, shoes and all all the time??? I’ve been to a very nice wedding reception where there was an altar with representative objects for the couple and at a certain moment some bridesmaids dance in front of the couple with a big knife. To conclude there is the traditional newlyweds dance when they throw money to the guests. I liked that part. And the food is delicious and abundant. And like us, there is the divorce, too. One curious thing is that is the man doesn’t want to sign it, the woman claims for some money he should have given her when they married (which is a little fortune), but as they were in love at the time they kind of overlooked that. So the husband chooses between losing a little fortune or letting the lady go. Go girls!
After saying what we kind of already knew, I must say that what positively surprised me: people were very kind to me, always wanting to please me, present me their culture, their food, their country. Always protecting and accompanying me, making me feel safe and happy. Men are kind with their children, more than Brazilians. And kind with each other. Family members are close, affectionate and lovely.
Concluding: maybe we may have some “issues” towards the Iranian government due to their nuclear weapon politics, but never against the Iranian people, who live their lives normally and as happy as it may be, just like us, besides Islam’s limitations. Limitations difficult to judge with western eyes, because having to wear a veil, not being allowed to drink alcohol or having a religion established by the government may be “less worse” than having alarming and growing indexes of daily murders, car accident deaths due to drunk drivers, stepfathers killing stepchildren with great violence after sex abuse, sport violence (soccer, basically), constant and recurrent political corruption. That means, each culture has its own troubles and traumas once we haven’t found the perfect system yet, but I believe that all of us must try till the end of times…
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